Professor Gideon Aran
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Hebrew University
Israel 91905Email: gideon.aran@mail.huji.ac.il
Phone: 972-2-5883331 (Office)
972-2-5345801 (Home)
Fax : 972-2-5324339 (Office) -
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Tag Archives: Prof. Gideon Aran
Nudity Is Equated With Privacy And Haredim Have So Little
Unlike modern secular contexts in which nudity is equated with privacy, which itself contributes to the problematics of nudity, it may be that because Haredim have so little privacy, and because their sense of privacy is relatively undeveloped, they have … Continue reading
Posted in Body, Haredim, Original Articles
Tagged brotherhood, mikveh, nudity, privacy, Prof. Gideon Aran, sensitivity
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Prof. Gideon Aran: The Israeli Settlements in the Territories Part 4
The settlements’ beginnings and achievements involved religious originality, thriving religiosity, the exhilarating experience of religious innovation and success. This great Revival infused the settlers with self-assurance. Written By Prof. Gideon Aran They were certainly afflicted with hubris, not infrequent in the … Continue reading
Prof. Gideon Aran: The Israeli Settlements in the Territories – Part 3
Let me share with you telegraphically and selectively, some tentative insights that emerged when reading my two-decades old notes, findings or contentions that should be considered in the context of the possibility of future evacuation. Written By Prof. Gideon Aran … Continue reading
Prof. Gideon Aran: The Israeli Settlements in the Territories Part 2
Now to the third relevant element in my previous work. Almost twenty years ago I submitted a Ph.D. dissertation, based on three years of intensive participant observation of the original settlers’ spiritual and political leadership and ultra-activists. Written By Prof. Gideon … Continue reading
Prof. Gideon Aran: The Israeli Settlements in the Territories Part 1
My scholarly capital of interest to this conference rests upon three elements in my academic career. First, I have long been an observer of radical religion, religious violence and militancy in general; and I have written on fundamentalism, Jewish and … Continue reading