Professor Gideon Aran
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Hebrew University
Israel 91905Email: gideon.aran@mail.huji.ac.il
Phone: 972-2-5883331 (Office)
972-2-5345801 (Home)
Fax : 972-2-5324339 (Office) -
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Tag Archives: ritual and practical
Gideon Aran: Haredi culture and Jewish tradition
Haredi culture inherited from the Jewish tradition an attitude of suspicion and alienation, or even distaste, towards the lower body, and has given it special emphasis, both ritual and practical. Written By Gideon Aran Yeshiva students tell of a Rabbi … Continue reading
Posted in Haredim, Original Articles
Tagged Gideon Aran, Haredi culture, Jewish tradition, lower body, ritual and practical
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