Professor Gideon Aran
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Hebrew University
Israel 91905Email: gideon.aran@mail.huji.ac.il
Phone: 972-2-5883331 (Office)
972-2-5345801 (Home)
Fax : 972-2-5324339 (Office) -
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Tag Archives: woken up
Gideon Aran: The prohibition on masturbation
The prohibition on masturbation is accompanied by a combination of draconian deterrent and preventative measures. Written By Prof. Gideon Aran Throughout the day boys at kindergarten are berated should their hand accidentally touch that shameful area, and before going to sleep … Continue reading
Posted in Haredim, Original Articles
Tagged blankets, combination, hands, masturbation, Prof. Gideon Aran, prohibition, woken up
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